The Spirit of Yellow: Script Extract
Ext Shot. The Parkson Family are sitting on the sofa in their sitting room.
The three sisters comfort their mother .
Max enters.
Max: Mrs Parkson?
Mum: Yes?
Max: I’ve come to apologise.
Mum: What for?
Max takes a deep breath.
Max: It was me who wrote that letter to your ex-husband?
Mum: Wha..What?
Max: I am so sorry! It’s just Amy told me how you weren’t coping very well without a man in the house. She looked upset, so I wanted to cheer her up but I just made things worse.
Amy looks stunned.
Amy: You wrote that letter for me?
Max nods at her, then turns back to the Mum.
Max: Am I forgiven?
The Mum nods smiling.
Mum: Yes. But it’s probably best if you didn’t do it again.
Max smiles.
Max: Ok. Great.
Mum: And just for that, your’e invited to Amy’s birthday party on Sunday.
Max cheers
Max: Whoop! Thankyou Mrs Parkson!
Max starts to run out the room.
The Mum shouts after him.
Max: I will.