The Spirit of Yellow: Script Extract
Max Pritchard is standing outside the gate of his friend’s Amy’s house.
Amy Parkson marches up to him with an angry look on her face.
Max smiles at her.
Max: Hi Amy
Amy cuts him off
Amy: It was you wasn’t it?
Max looks confused
Amy: It was you who wrote that letter to my Dad pretending to my Mum.
Max smiles, now its clicked.
Max: Yeah. Did it go ok?
Amy looks at him in disbelief
Amy: What do you mean, did it go ok?
Max frowns.
Max: Wait a second, I don’t understand.
Amy: My mum is upset, Ok?
Max: How? Your Dad wasn’t too mad was he?
Amy snaps.
Amy: Yes?! What do you expect? Turns out my Dad didn’t find that letter very convincing, so he rang her up last night and threatened her! She’s in tears now!
Max gasps.
Max: Oh my God! I didn’t realise.
Amy: What I don’t understand is how did you get his address?
Max: I found it in your rubbish bin.
Amy looks murderess at him
Amy: First you upset my mum, then I find out you steal from her as well!
Max: Look Amy, I’m sorry..
Amy is done with the excuses, and turns her back to him.
Amy: Just go away Max!
Max can’t believe what he did lead to this reaction, and can’t think of what to say other than a pleading..
Max: Amy please, I’m really sorry.
Amy: I hate you.
Max gasps, and in defense of himself — he repiles
Max: Well I hate you too!
Amy whips round
Amy: Good!
Max: Good!
Amy and Max both then stomp off in oppersite directions.